Sunday, April 16, 2017

The Commandant’s Own: Musicians in the Military

The United States Marine Drum & Bugle Corps was formed on November 9, 1934, to augment the U.S. Marine Band and provide music for ceremonial functions at Marine Barracks, Washington, D.C.
Though drum and bugle corps have a historic legacy in the armed services with more than 60 units at one time, The United States Marine Drum & Bugle Corps is currently the only musical unit of its kind serving on active duty in the United States armed forces today.
The history of the unit can be traced to the earliest days of the Marine Corps. All Marine musicians trace their heritage back to the Act of Congress signed in 1798 by President John Adams. This bill formally established the United States Marine Corps and mandated the enlistment of a drum major, fife major, and 32 drummers and fifers.
These early musicians, called “field musics,” were used for recruiting, some served aboard ships and even fought alongside other Marines in times of war, while others were retained to form a military band of Marines.
By 1875, the formations of troops in the field changed, making it difficult to signal them with voice commands. In 1881, the fifes were replaced with bugles to signal the troops, but it wasn’t until 1892 that the Navy ordered the bugle calls be standardized. Soon there were uniform calls for every kind of troop movement – from “Reveille” early in the morning to “Taps” at the end of the day. The United States Marine Drum & Bugle Corps, comprised of a drum major, three snare drummers, three tenor drummers, two bass drummers, one cymbal and 16 buglers, was formed in 1934 to augment the United States Marine Band.
The unit also provided musical support to ceremonies around the nation’s capital and, during World War II, was tasked with Presidential support duties, accompanying President Franklin Delano Roosevelt on his many trips to Warm Springs, GA, acting as his personal guard and providing musical entertainment. In recognition of this service, President Roosevelt awarded the unit a distinctive scarlet and gold citation cord shortly before his death.
In the early 1950s, the unit gained considerable acclaim performing for an increasing number of civilian audiences. Music composed specifically for the unique selection of instruments helped establish their reputation for excellence during this period. In 1956, the drum & bugle corps was designated the official United States Marine Drum & Bugle Corps by General Randolph M. Pate, the 21st Commandant of the Marine Corps.
In 2006, by proclamation from the 33rd Commandant of the Marine Corps, General Michael W. Hagee, the unit was formally named “The Commandant’s Own” The United States Marine Drum & Bugle Corps. In the tradition of their “field music” predecessors, the musicians in “The Commandant’s Own” are Marines in the truest sense of the word. Every enlisted member is a graduate of Marine Corps recruit training and is trained in basic infantry skills.
Prior to enlisting, each Marine must pass a demanding audition for service in the Drum & Bugle Corps. Following Recruit Training and Marine Combat Training, the Marines are assigned to “The Commandant’s Own” at historic Marine Barracks, Washington. The U.S. Marine Drum & Bugle Corps performs a variety of music from marches to jazz, patriotic, popular and classical favorites. Comprised of 80 Marine musicians dressed in ceremonial red and white uniforms, “The Commandant’s Own” performs for millions each year and is recognized worldwide as a premier musical marching unit.
It continues to maintain the proud traditions of the drum and bugle corps activity and Marine musicians, while continuing to expand the musical horizon with its unique instrumentation and talented performers.
For more info visit The Commandant’s Own website

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