Wednesday, August 17, 2016

How to Survive Middle School (for Girls)

Middle school can be tough. Friends can turn on you, boys can be mean, and you'll have more schoolwork than you've ever had before. Facing middle school with bravery and a will to thrive means that you can kick those mean girls out of your life, forget about the boys and kill that homework. On our next report Jacelyn explores the different challenges faced by girls in middle school. In addition to academic stress, there's a LOT of social pressure. Girls tend to have more drama and hold on to things for much longer than boys. There’s also a lot of pressure to look perfect, to wear the right clothes and hang with the right clique. Also, we report on ways to avoid being a victim. In middle school, kids develop new ways to hurt each other and, unfortunately, much of that has to do with exclusion and not allowing people to be in your group. “Girl Talk” is an organization that aims to help. It is a student to student mentoring program where high school girls mentor middle school girls. The founder of “Girl Talk” offers some good advice for girls in middle school.

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